Tentative schedule
Friday, July 18, 2025
Doors open 6:00 Show begins at 6:30 Beverages and some food available
6:30 Eddie Allen
6:45 Jim May
7:25 Eddie Allen
7:40 Charlotte Blake Alston
8:20 Intermission and Raffle
8:40 Bil Lepp
Saturday July 19, 2025
Doors open 11:00 Food and beverages available until after evening intermission
Children’s Performances Free to all
11:30 Songs, fun, and rocking music by Hans Mayer
12:00 Intermission
12:20 Fantastic Stories told by Charlotte Blake Alston
1:00 Storytelling activities with Lori Portner
1:00 More great stories told by the Bluff Country Tale Spinners
Join us!
Afternoon Schedule
2:00 Music with Eddie Allen
2:15 Workshop with Bil Lepp
Being Funny Creating funny stories to tell takes time and craft. My general rule is that every third sentence should be, or contain, a joke. That generally means that the two lines before it are building that joke. But it also means the line after the joke has to be a transition from the last joke to the next joke. How does that happen? A lot of tinkering and a lot of rearranging. Come to the workshop to find out more!